empty repository after restore
poirot Aug 4, 2014 7:51 AMwe currently want to migrate from jboss as 7.1.1 modeshape 3.1.3 to
eap 6.1, modeshape 3.7.2 using the backup and restore methods
from the modeshape RepositoryManager
it worked very well with all our small test repositories and we were
confident that it will be an easy task .. but at least we tried a lot
of things and we didn't manage to get the backup of our production system
to run. not even that it doesn't work with the new jboss 6.1/3.7.2, it also
doesn't work with the same configuration(as7.1.1/3.1.3) the backup was made.
no exception are thrown and no problems are reported by the backup/restore methods,
but the repository is nevertheless empty after the restore.
so we guess, there must be a fundamental problem with our configuration/code and
hope, someone could help us and point out that issue ...
our configuration is:
<cache-container name="modeshape"> <local-cache name="var-cr-01"> <transaction mode="NON_XA" locking="PESSIMISTIC"/> <file-store relative-to="jboss.server.data.dir" path="modeshape/store/var-cr-01" passivation="false" purge="false"/> </local-cache> <security-domain name="modeshape-security" cache-type="default"> <authentication> <login-module code="UsersRoles" flag="required"> <module-option name="usersProperties" value="modeshape-users.properties"/> <module-option name="rolesProperties" value="modeshape-roles.properties"/> </login-module> </authentication> <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modeshape:1.0"> <repository name="var-cr-01" cache-name="var-cr-01" cache-container="modeshape"/>
our backup/restore code:
@Resource(name="java:/jcr/var-cr-01") protected Repository repository; @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void backupRepository(String prefix) throws LoginException, RepositoryException { log.info("backup to: "+prefix); String backupPAth = configService.getString( ConfigurationService.JCR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY ); Session session = repository.login(new SimpleCredentials("adm", "somepw".toCharArray())); RepositoryManager man = session.getWorkspace().getRepositoryManager(); String filename = backupPAth +"/b_" +prefix+".dmp"; log.info("backup to: "+filename); man.backupRepository( new File(filename)); Problems ps = man.restoreRepository( new File(filename)); if ( ps != null ){ log.warn("backup found {} problems",ps.size() ); for ( Problem p : ps ){ log.warn("backup problem: {}",p.getMessage() ); } } log.info("backup finished to: "+filename); } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void restoreRepository(String prefix) throws LoginException, RepositoryException,OperationFailedException { String backupPAth = configService.getString( ConfigurationService.JCR_RESTORE_DIRECTORY ); String backupFile = prefix; if ( backupFile == null || backupFile.length()==0){ backupFile = configService.getString( ConfigurationService.JCR_RESTORE_FILENAME ); } String filename = backupPAth+"/"+backupFile; log.info("restore from: "+filename); try { Session session = repository.login(new SimpleCredentials("adm", "somepw".toCharArray())); RepositoryManager man = session.getWorkspace().getRepositoryManager(); Problems ps = man.restoreRepository( new File(filename)); if ( ps != null ){ log.warn("restore found {} problems",ps.size() ); for ( Problem p : ps ){ log.warn("restore problem: {}",p.getMessage() ); } } //session.save(); session isn't valid anymore! } catch ( Exception e ){ log.error( "failed to restore: "+filename, e); throw new OperationFailedException("failed to restore: "+filename, e ); } log.info("restored from: "+filename); } }
the server logs are attached
backup_restore_server.log.zip 269.5 KB