1. Re: Architectural changes
rpetersen Oct 25, 2007 3:13 PM (in response to gcorro)The changes in the product architecture may seem greater than they really are.
The core technology in the old LogicBlaze FUSE stack is still the core of the FUSE product family at IONA.
- The ESB container and runtime are still based on ServiceMix.
- ActiveMQ is still used for JMS transport, plus remoting, clustering, reliability and distributed failover for the ESB.
- Tooling is still provided via an Eclipse-based toolset.
There are some new things in the product offering as well.
- Message routing and mediation can be more easily configured with the FUSE Mediation Router, based on Apache Camel.
- Also, as the XFire SOAP stack (supported by the old LogicBlaze FUSE) evolved into Apache CXF, the IONA FUSE product family now includes the CXF-based FUSE Services Framework.
The thing to keep in mind is that each FUSE product is closely aligned to a specific project at the Apache Software Foundation. So if you are comfortable with an ESB architecture based on ServiceMix, ActiveMQ, CXF and Camel, you should be able to work with the IONA FUSE products, which are essentially the tested, documented, and commercially supported versions of releases from those projects.