2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 4, 2008 1:16 PM by martinmurphy

    Converting EPR to Proxy when Address differs from that in WSDL


      I'm invoking on a CORBA endpoint that will always return a different IOR in the resulting EPR. I would like to convert this to a proxy, but my WSDL contains IOR:x as the address location for the endpoint. After much searching I eventually found org.apache.cxf.jaxws.ServiceImpl.getPort()


      I convert now using :

                   Service service = Service.create(wsdlURL, serviceName);

                   ServiceImpl serviceImpl = ServiceDelegateAccessor.get(service);

                   //sei is the service endpoint interface Class<?>, the callManager is the proxy I want to convert to

                   this.callManager =  (CallManager)serviceImpl.getPort(callManagerEPR, sei);


      Is this the best way to do this?

        • 1. Re: Converting EPR to Proxy when Address differs from that in WSDL

          I'm assuming you are talking about Artix and not FUSE since FUSE doesn't (yet) support CORBA....


          That said, in THEORY, you should be able to set the BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY on the client to a new URL/IOR just like you would for HTTP.    I'm not sure if the CORBA binding supports that or not.   You'd have to give it a try and see.   If not, we'll need a bug logged.



          • 2. Re: Converting EPR to Proxy when Address differs from that in WSDL

            Sorry about the confusion Dan, I should have left out the CORBA reference. Indeed I was using Artix, but I suppose the same would be true if I was using CXF and invoking on a HTTP endpoint that acted as a factory returning EPRs for a PortType that did not have its location specified in the local WSDL, but was in the address of the EPR instead. I'll have a look at a CXF demo on this and see if it still makes sense to use the ServiceImpl class to get the port.