1 Reply Latest reply on May 12, 2008 4:13 AM by njiang

    Pipeline pattern does not work?



      Hi all,




      Background: I want to use a file-drop (servicemix-file) interface to get a message into the NMR, then I want to perform an synchronous Web Service call, and finally send the results out on a file-drop interface:


      FileDrop (InOnly) -> Pipeline (InOut) -> WS caller (InOut) -> FileDrop (InOnly)


      Using the pipeline feature in the servicemix-eip component does this (though with a mysterious second-copy-of-the-message, but that's another story).



      Anyway -- how can I do this using Apache Camel (FUSE Mediation Router) instead? Somewhere I read that the DSL statement






      should do the trick, but that I didn't get to work.


      Does anyone have anyone ideas, or should I stick to the servicemix-eip component?






        • 1. Re: Pipeline pattern does not work?

          Hi Roger,


          If you want to make a WS calling in the Camel, you need to do some thing for preparing or consuming the message.

          Here are some example in the  camel-cxf component wiki


          BTW, current file component in camel can't deal with the list object as the message body, you need to take it out from the message body yourself in a processor, or write a converter to do that job.You can find more information in the  CAMEL-489



