1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 12, 2008 4:15 AM by rdavies

    Messages Received and Sent are not equal




      We are currently evaluating ActiveMQ/Fuse for our applications.


      Our priority for messaging is not speed but rather quality of service.  We need every single message delivered once and only once. 


      I am hoping that someone could shed some light these two situations:


      Question 1:

      Results from the the activemq web console.


      Number of Pending Messages: -101

      Messages Sent: 5021

      Messages Received: 5715


      1 - Why is the pending negative? I expected 0.

      2 - Why does the sent and received differ by 694?


      Question 2:

      Why would certain messages appear to be redelivered when I change concurrentConsumers to 2 or higher?  We are using XA and a point to point queue (not a topic).

      Do we need to do more to handle the message when using the Spring DefaultMessageListener?  This is causing errors in our application when it tries to persist duplicate records. At this point I am trapping all errors and sending NO Exceptions back to the broker to rule out a forced rollback. So I am not sure why the message gets sent again..


      This test was conducted with:

      • activemq-core-

      • Spring 2.5.5 (DefaultMessageListener and JmsTemplate)

      • concurrentConsumers = 1

      • XATransaction Manager using Jenks Pool (ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory and org.jencks.pool.PooledSpringXAConnectionFactory)

      • Running on Oracle Application Server


      We are trying the Fuse jar because we were experiencing many problems with ActiveMq5.1 and some with AMQ 5.2rc1.  There were many situations where the broker would stop serving messages and would need to me restarted. 



      Any help would be appreciated..

