1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 20, 2008 3:22 AM by gertv

    Logistix Demo Issues


      Following the instructions for the Logisticx Demo.


      1) FUSE ESB 3.3 installed

      2) order-processor-sa-1.0.zip + order-sa-1.0.zip are in the Fuse hotdeploy dir

      3) ServiceMix started but getting errors like:-


      file:/D:/iona/fuse-esb-] parents=org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader@b1c5fa]]]]

      15:35:58,843 | WARN  | Timer-3    | ResolverUtil             | apache.camel.util.ResolverUtil  594 | Could not find class 'org/apache/activemq/camel/converter/ActiveMQMessageConverter$1.class' in any classloaders: [[org.apache.xbean.classloader.JarFileClassLoader: name=camel-context




      file:/D:/iona/fuse-esb-] parents=org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader@b1c5fa]]]]

      15:35:58,468 | WARN  | Timer-3    | ResolverUtil             | apache.camel.util.ResolverUtil  594 | Could not find class 'org/apache/activemq/camel/converter/ActiveMQMessageConverter$1.class' in any classloaders: [[org.apache.xbean.classloader.JarFileClassLoader: name=camel-context


      and significantly:-


      ile:/D:/iona/fuse-esb-] parents=org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader@b1c5fa]]]]

      15:35:59,077 | WARN  | Timer-3    | DefaultTypeConverter     | converter.DefaultTypeConverter  122 | Overriding type converter from: StaticMethodTypeConverter: public static java.lang.String org.apache.camel.converter.IOConverter.toString(javax.xml.transform.Source) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException,java.io.IOException to: InstanceMethodTypeConverter: public java.lang.String org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp.XmlConverter.toString(javax.xml.transform.Source) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException

      15:35:59,358 | INFO  | Timer-3    | DeploymentService        | bi.framework.DeploymentService  683 | UnDeployed ServiceUnit com.logisticx.order.http from Component: servicemix-cxf-bc

      15:36:00,296 | INFO  | Timer-3    | DeploymentService        | bi.framework.DeploymentService  683 | UnDeployed ServiceUnit com.logisticx.order.ws from Component: servicemix-cxf-se

      15:36:00,936 | ERROR | Timer-3    | AutoDeploymentService    | ramework.AutoDeploymentService  486 | Failed to update Service Assembly: order-sa-1.0.0.tmp

      java.lang.Exception: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <jbi-task xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jbi/management-message" version="1.0">











      <component-task-result xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jbi/management-message">


      <component-task-result xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jbi/management-message">


      <component-task-result xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jbi/management-message">



      <loc-message>Could not deploy xbean service unit</loc-message>



        • ]]></stack-trace>


      4) Tomcat installed and logisticx-web-gwt-1.0.war deployed ok \

      Any ideas pls



        • 1. Re: Logistix Demo Issues



          Could you post the stacktrace that comes with the 'Could not deploy xbean service unit' again?  It looks like it was lost while posting...  You can also attach the relevant portions of the log file to the message to make sure that they aren't lost in formatting.


          The WARN messages you see are fairly innocent - they shouldn't even be appearing in the logs in future versions any more.



