9 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2009 6:20 AM by socallag

    CXF and XmlBeans?


      Hi there -


      I cant really tell from the release notes, but is XmlBeans un/marshalling supported by the latest FUSE Services Framework release?  If so, I am trying to specify XmlBeans as the un/marshaller for CXF, and I get the following...





      Could not find xmlbeans databinding within classpath


      Thanks much


      -- Rob

        • 1. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

          It definitely should be working with the latest SF releases.   Is there anyway you can provide a full test case?  


          Are you using maven or are you using the jars from the installer?    If using maven, did you add the cxf-rt-databinding-xmlbeans artifact as a dependency?



          • 2. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

            I am using the latest SF (just got it yesterday) and maven. I do have cxf-rt-databinding-xmlbeans in my pom.xml and it still doesnt work.  But, maybe there's something with my pom.xml that is incorrect. Can you send me an example pom.xml that specifies the dependencies, the cxf plugin that uses xmlbeans as the databinding, etc?  That would be super useful....


            And I am doing this from the tooling top/down.  Is this supported yet?


            Thanks much. 


            -- Rob


            Edited by: weingrub on Feb 12, 2009 4:19 PM

            • 3. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

              Hi Rob,


              The pom.xml used in the xmlbeans component in CXF will be of use as it is also used to build xmlbeans files for a test.


              have a look at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf/trunk/rt/databinding/xmlbeans/pom.xml


              Hope this helps,



              • 4. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

                Hi Sean,


                I'll take a look.  Thanks.  And maybe I should have mentioned that I am trying to do this top/down with tooling.  Is XmlBeans supported in that fashion?


                Thanks much.


                -- Rob

                • 5. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

                  Hi Rob,


                  Well you can see in the pom that use is made of the xmlbeans-maven-plugin and cxf-codegen-plugin to generate the relevant classes.

                  is this the top down approach that you are looking at?



                  • 6. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

                    Hi Sean -


                    It seems that I am indeed able to use XmlBeans from wsdl2java.  So thanks for the info.  However, now I am having a problem trying to tell XmlBeans what binding file to use. With jaxb, it seems that one can specify a binding file to wsdl4java, by using the -b option, as below:


                    $/target/generated/src/main/java</sourceRoot>   <wsdlOptions>     <wsdlOption>       <wsdl>$/src/main/wsdl/myService.wsdl$/src/main/resources/wsdl/async_binding.xml</extraarg>






                    Is there a similar means of specifying an xsdconfig file for XmlBeans?  Nothing I try is working...


                    Many thanks.


                    -- Rob

                    • 7. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

                      Hi Rob,


                      As described here, http://mojo.codehaus.org/xmlbeans-maven-plugin/usage.html the default location for xsdconfig files used by the xmlbeans-maven-plugin  is defined as src/main/xsd from which all xsd files will be picked up.


                      You can see from the pom.xml I previously mentioned that all the xsd files are to be found using:






                      I hope this information helps,



                      • 8. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?

                        HI :


                        Is there a documented example available of how to use xml beans for the binding with CXF?

                        • 9. Re: CXF and XmlBeans?



                          Unfortunately, at the moment there isn't a documented example.