1. Re: Trying to use CXF Consumer and Provider
ubhole Feb 18, 2009 6:43 AM (in response to joealex3)can you tell us how you hello.wsdl looks like. I think the problem might be with the service name and endpoint names are same but need to looks at the wsdl to come to any conclusion.
2. Re: Trying to use CXF Consumer and Provider
joealex3 Feb 18, 2009 4:24 PM (in response to ubhole)Thanks ubhole. Please use the attached xbean.xml and hello.wsdl to check issues.
The only difference in the real wsdl from the one in classpath is the entry <soap:address location="http://localhost:8092/HelloWorld" />. The actual webservice (the provider should be proxying to) is running at localhost:8080/cxf/HelloWorld.
I am expecting the new consumer can be accessed by external clients at localhost:8092/HelloWorld and
The Provider will look for the external webservice via the "locationURI" attribute in this case at localhost:8080/cxf/HelloWorld.
xbean.xml 792 bytes
hello.wsdl 2.4 KB
3. Re: Trying to use CXF Consumer and Provider
ubhole Feb 24, 2009 10:02 AM (in response to joealex3)joealex3 wrote:
This is the contents of the xbean.xml. Everything gets deployed fine but I dont see the proxy endpoint at 8092 as expected. Please let me know what is it I am not doing correctly. I am stuck with this for sometime and is a crucial factor to decide on servicemix.
Hi Joealex3,
Sorry for the delay I was trying something over this.
I didn't get you when you say
This is the contents of the xbean.xml. Everything gets deployed fine but I dont see the proxy endpoint at 8092 as expected.
I tried modifying the standard cxf-wsdl-first sample and could get it to deploy and work fine with exactly similar contents to you xbean. Can you let me know How you are trying to verify the proxy endpoint?
Also, Do you really need to use the same service and wsdl on both sides? when both servicemix consumer and provider both would register on NMR they would use the same QNAME for the service and this might be causing one overwriting other.
some more insight into why need to use same wsdl with same namespace would be helpful.