1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 2, 2009 6:11 AM by socallag

    document literal wrapped wsdl-first webmethod call parameter mismatch error


      I'm new to web services and I'm fighting a wsdl-first doc/literal/wrapped web method implementation which includes headers in the soap request/responses.  I'm specifically having trouble w/ webmethods that have no arguments and void return type webmethods. 


      I "feel" that I have a firm grasp on how doc/literal/wrapped soap style is handled in regards to complex type elements becoming input parameters to the method and output response object and headers being of type "Holder".


      I've attached on of many complete wsdl(s) that I'm starting with.

      Can someone please shed some light on my troubles?

        • 1. Re: document literal wrapped wsdl-first webmethod call parameter mismatch error



          I have run your wsdl through wsdl2java -validate and this indicates no problems. we were also able to build a dummy client and server impl using the -all flag and these services invoked on each other without any exceptions.


          Can you please explain what specific troubles you are having?


          There are a number of wsdl_first samples with different styles of wsdl in the FUSE Services framework which may help.



