4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2009 12:11 PM by mielket

    How to specify -mx with wsdl2java?


      Hi -


      I am trying to run the wsdl2java script (because I cant get it to work from within CXF tooling) directly, with the -compile option, using something similar to:


      ./wsdl2java -db xmlbeans -server -impl -keep -ant -verbose -validate -compile -d /Users/marcel/fuse_wcs/cxf-wsdl-first/wsdl-first-cxfse-su/target/jaxws -classdir /Users/marcel/fuse_wcs/cxf-wsdl-first/wsdl-first-cxfse-su/target/generated/classes /Users/marcel/fuse_wcs/cxf-wsdl-first/wsdl-first-cxfse-su/src/main/resources/wcs1_1_2.wsdl


      and i am running out of memory.  Changing the -mx option to a bigger number in the wsdl2java script itself has no effect.


      Any ideas?


      Thanks!  -- Rob