1. Re: how to access NotificationBroker interface from external java client
joe.luo Apr 17, 2009 6:11 AM (in response to suxuguang)The NotificationBroker is core of ServiceMix WSN implementation and by default it is only exposed on the bus inside JBI world. However the below link
http://servicemix.apache.org/servicemix-wsn2005.html also shows your how to configure it as a HTTP/SOAP endpoint to expose the NotificationBroker to the outside world.
2. Re: how to access NotificationBroker interface from external java client
suxuguang Apr 20, 2009 12:09 PM (in response to joe.luo)Thanks for the Answer!
I was able to expose the interfaces using the example xbean.xml file on that site. But the WSDL the is exposed can not be used by AXIS tool (I guess it is wsdl2java) to generate a web service proxy for the service.
Does that mean the client has to create HTTP request and send that directly? (instead of calling the methods declared in the services' WSDL as a web service client)
3. Re: how to access NotificationBroker interface from external java client
joe.luo Apr 21, 2009 11:10 AM (in response to suxuguang)I am afraid that it is the case. You will need to use either HTTP binding component or JMS binding component to talk to servicemix-wsn2005 service engine "If you want to use WS-Notification ouside the JBI world".
There is a "wsn-http-binding" demo from fuse esb distribution you might want to look at.
4. Re: how to access NotificationBroker interface from external java client
suxuguang Apr 22, 2009 12:12 PM (in response to joe.luo)I see. Thanks!