4 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2009 3:48 AM by fouquet.f

    FuseESB 4.1.00 JMS question


      Hi ,

      I have some troubles to reuse my old JMS SU from FuseESB 3.4 to FuseESB 4

      I want to use a JMS BC with XA transaction

      I have see that there is jencks & transaction bundles deploy but I don't now how to reuse it ( OSGI service ??? )


      here is my old bean.xml


           <jms:consumer service="damcap:PivotReceptionJMSConsume"












                transacted="xa" />


           <amqpool:xa-pool xmlns:amqpool="http://jencks.org/amqpool/2.0"

                id="connectionFactory" maxConnections="8" brokerURL="tcp://localhost:61616"

                transactionManager="#transactionManager" />


           <jee:jndi-lookup xmlns:jee="http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee"

                id="transactionManager" jndi-name="java:comp/env/smx/TransactionManager" />



      Can anyone send me an example who work correctly with servicemix 4.1 and reuse the bundles already deploy ? (JNDI or OSGI service)


      Thanks by advance

        • 1. Re: FuseESB 4.1.00 JMS question

          Just curious are you looking to re-package your JBI service unit as an OSGI bundle or are you confused as to what is necessary to get your existing JBI SA running in 4.1?  If you're not converting your SA to an OSGI bundle then I don't think you should have to do anything assuming jencks is already deployed.


          Did you try and deploy your component and get an error?  If so what is the error?

          • 2. Re: FuseESB 4.1.00 JMS question

            Hi ,

            Thanks for your reply.


            I will precise my demand. So I want to use OSGi more in my JBI architecture.

            So I have made a Camel OSGi component without problem who reuse OSGi reference

            (for exemple the PooledConnectionFactory with transaction).


            But now I want to use OSGi reference in my JBI component , so SU and SA. Does it possible to use the spring osgi framework in a service assembly who is not bundled as an OSGi jar ?


            For example I want to reuse the connection factory in my JMS SU for not instiante another . Does it possible ?


            Thanks by advance


            • 3. Re: FuseESB 4.1.00 JMS question

              You can't access the OSGi framework directly from a JBI packaged artifact.

              However, you can use the JNDI integration to access an OSGi service. See http://servicemix.apache.org/nmr/7-jndi-integration.html for more informations.

              • 4. Re: FuseESB 4.1.00 JMS question


                Thanks for the JNDI reply.

                Have you some example of mix JBI and OSGi. I have some questions pending for the bundles .


                - Does I have to put all in a OSGI bundle, it seems to work ?

                - Does I have to keep the JBI architectures SU/SA ? in this case how manage OSGI service and imports ? Have you examples ?


                - Does I have to import SU in an OSGI bundle ? it not seems to work.


                Thanks by advance