5 Replies Latest reply on Nov 27, 2009 5:29 PM by lyfe

    Combining CXF responses


      I have a scenario where I publish a webservice using CXF Endpoint.

      All requests that reach this endpoint is multicasted to a set of webservices with the same WSDL as the exposed one. Until now, everything is fine.


      But, I need to aggregate the webservices responses. I have tried to get the out body as exchange.getOut().getBody(), but it does not contains the response. I found the espected resopnse inside the CxfMessage, but I could not create the aggregated messages.


      Let say I have 3 webservices with the following responses:






      So, the first caller will see only one response containing all responses together.


      My route is something like this:



              .multicast(new RidSourceAggregator(), true)




      How can I buid the aggregated response? Nothing as

           CxfMessage cxfMessage = (CxfMessage) exchange.getOut();




      seems to work for me.





      Italo Stefani

      Vetta Technologies
