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1. Re: WSDL Address location is not changed dynamically
stlewis Aug 25, 2009 2:17 PM (in response to dinesh_gioe)Try using http:// requestContext = ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext();
requestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "http://localhost:8192/PersonService/");
If your client does something like the above then it doesn't really matter what soap address is advertised in the WSDL.
2. Re: WSDL Address location is not changed dynamically
dinesh_gioe Aug 27, 2009 3:13 AM (in response to stlewis)Thanks for the reply.
I have tried editing the soap address to http://?8192/servicename in the WSDL and browsed the WSDL using ?wsdl. But I observed that the soap address in the received wsdl is displayed as http://?8192/servicename.
I can't ask the client to change the WSDL URL in their invocation. Do you want me to attach the project/any artifacts?