1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 2, 2009 11:56 AM by hzbarcea_hzbarcea

    Looking for osgi project to participate...



      I'am Java Developer with 4 years of experience. We recently started a project on Fuse (using ESB + Camel) and its in production now. However it was terrible to have it done and we had a huge bug list from QA team.


      Now Iam working on another project on Tomcat and have some time left...


      What I would like is to participate in some enterprise OSGI project as a developer(advisor) for free(means without paying any money to me). I can be available 10 - 20 hours per week, and would like to take more experience in OSGI development.


      Feel free to contact me via email on this forum's messaging system to discuss the details.



        • 1. Re: Looking for osgi project to participate...



          Thanks for your interest in ESB and Camel.  I am sure you know they are based on some very successful Apache projects.


          I believe the best thing would be for you to join the Apache communities at http://servicemix.apache.org/SMX4/index.html and http://camel.apache.org.  Look for the Contributing links. You can join the mailing lists at Apache, help other users in the community, help improving the wiki documentation and even look at the jira and submit patches for known bugs.


          The Apache communities highly appreciate patches and contributions in any shape or form and your constant involvement will get you recognition, possibly even committer privileges.