Issue 1:
I am generating all code from wsdl with multiple schemas and discovered when deploying a cxf-se if there are any anonymous types, an illegalargumentexception is thrown from com.sun.xml.txw2.Document.writeValue:125. That is, if any of the generated annotations contains @XmlType(name=""), you get the exception.
After determining why the Java files were generated this way, I modified the schemas to not use anonymous types and things look peachy.
Is it safe to assume this is user error and the schemas were invalid? or should the cxf JAXBUtils be able to handle these case?
Issue 2:
If I add a redefine for one of the schemas for the type House for example, cxf generates a House.java, and OriginalHouse.java. My problem is with OriginalHouse.java, it is generated w/ an @XmlType(name="") annotation which brings me back to the error described above.
How can I a) add type name information myself (jaxb custom binding??) or b) make cxf work w/ anonymous types?
Some reference links: