1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 29, 2010 1:45 PM by carnacchiola

    Error org.apache.cxf..Operation not bound on this message


      Hi Developers.

      This is my question.

      I have corrected deployed on FUSE ESB a web service using FUSE Service Framework.

      I have tried, with the client generated, to call the server created from the framework(port 9090) and also the web service deployed on FUSE ESB(port 8192).

      All it's ok.

      But I have a problem if I try to call the web service using a web service subscriber created with logicAlloy ALEServer.

      The ALEServer try to call the web service deployed on FUSE ESB ant it succesfully arrive to it(no connection refused problem) but I receive always the error:

      "org.apache.cxf.Operation not bound on this message".

      So I have tried to intercept messages sent on the network with TCP-MONITOR and I have obtained the following results.

      Request with Java client create by Fuse Service Framework:

      POST /WSFUSE/services/WSPort HTTP/1.1

      SOAPAction: "urn:WsFuse"

      Response: HTTP 200 OK


      Request with web service subscriber of logicAlloy ALE Server

      POST /WSFUSE/services/WSPort/wsFuse HTTP/1.1

      SOAPAction: ""


      javax.cxf.intercepto ...Operation not bound on this message


      I have tried modifying the xbean.xml file created by Fuse Service Framework adding:


      but I receive always the same error.

      I think that the problem is that SOAPAction is not set by web service subscriber logicAlloy

      How I can solve this problem?.

      Thanks for your replies.