0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 4, 2010 2:46 AM by lekkie_lomotayo

    Blocked enpoints


      I have a use case that requires a certain endpoint to be re-used.


      Lets say the re-usable endpoint is called router1 & router2.


      The flow below causes a blockage on my route and leads to camel throwing exception.



      consumerEndPoint -> router1 -> someIntermediateEndPoint -> router1`-> someProviderEndpoint ........



      This flow is an InOut exchange flow. What is happening is that, because the first message passes through router1 and it is still waiting for a response, router1` will wait forever. I think camel throws the exception below


      08:29:12,569 | INFO  | oLogger-thread-1 | Tracer                           | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger   88 | c66c0dd3-657a-4508-9295-c6f6b6d64a02 >>> (route20) OnException[ExchangeTimedOutException] --> transform[


      08:29:12,569 | ERROR | oLogger-thread-1 | DefaultErrorHandler              | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger  202 | Failed delivery for exchangeId: c66c0dd3-657a-4508-9295-c6f6b6d64a02. Processed by failure processor: Channel[Transform(


      08:29:33,653 | INFO  | saction-thread-1 | Tracer                           | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger   88 | c36c48b5-e18d-498e-9fed-b340e0baeb05 >>> vm://router1 --> OnException[ExchangeTimedOutException]




      What EIP would be appropriate for this scenario?

