3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2010 8:48 AM by ffang

    jpa hibernate


      We would like to use (jpa-hibernate) to store all the exchange messages (just like camel-tracer-example) in the HSQL data base, but when we try to install the feature jpa-hibernate , not all the bundles are started !


      ServiceMix :: OSWorkflow (2010.01.0.fuse-01-00)

      ServiceMix :: File (2010.01.0.fuse-01-00)

      ServiceMix :: Validation (2010.01.0.fuse-01-00)

      ServiceMix :: Bean (2010.01.0.fuse-01-00)

      Apache ServiceMix Specs :: JAVA PERSISTENCE API 1.4 (1.4.0)

      Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-dbcp-1.2.2 (

      Spring JDBC (2.5.6.SEC01)

      Apache ServiceMix Bundles: dom4j-1.6.1 (

      ANTLR (2.7.7)

      ObjectWeb ASM (1.5.3)

      CGLIB Code Generation Library (2.2.0)

      Javassist Java Programming Assistant (3.9.0.GA)

      JBoss Hibernate Common Annotations (3.3.0.ga)

      JBoss Hibernate Annotations (3.4.0.GA)

                                             Hosts: 189

      JBoss Hibernate Entity Manager (3.4.0.GA)

                                             Hosts: 189

      JBoss Hibernate Object-Relational Mapper (3.3.2.GA)

                                             Fragments: 187,188

      Spring ORM (2.5.6.SEC01)




      And when we try to  start "JBoss Hibernate Entity Manager" and "JBoss Hibernate Annotations" we got the following errors:

      Javassist Java Programming Assistant (3.9.0.GA)

      JBoss Hibernate Common Annotations (3.3.0.ga)

      JBoss Hibernate Annotations (3.4.0.GA)

                                             Hosts: 202

      JBoss Hibernate Entity Manager (3.4.0.GA)

                                             Hosts: 202

      JBoss Hibernate Object-Relational Mapper (3.3.2.GA)

                                             Fragments: 200,201

      Spring ORM (2.5.6.SEC01)

      karaf@root> start 200


      A fragment bundle cannot be started: com.springsource.org.hibernate.annotations_3.4.0.GA



      How can we start those bundles?