1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 20, 2010 6:44 PM by ggrussenmeyer

    4.2.0-fuse-02-00 breaks execution as a Windows service


      Dear FUSE ESB team,


      it seems that the new 4.2.0-fuse-02-00 release breaks the execution as a Windows service via the wrapper feature: service start ("net start karaf") now fails with system error 1067.


      The wrapper log file shows the following line:

      "INFO   | jvm 1    | 2010/06/21 00:04:27 | WrapperSimpleApp: Unable to locate the class org.apache.felix.karaf.main.Bootstrap: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.felix.karaf.main.Bootstrap".


      In fact, as used in servicemix.bat, Karaf's main class has changed to org.apache.felix.karaf.main.Main.


      However, updating etc/karaf-wrapper.conf with this new class name leads to another error, logged as:

      "INFO   | jvm 1    | 2010/06/21 00:19:08 | Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/osgi/framework/launch/Framework

      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2010/06/21 00:19:08 |      at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)

      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2010/06/21 00:19:08 |      at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)

      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2010/06/21 00:19:08 |      at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(Unknown Source)

      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2010/06/21 00:19:08 |      at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)

      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2010/06/21 00:19:08 |      at org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperSimpleApp.main(WrapperSimpleApp.java:483)



      Sorry for posting here for reporting the issue, but I couldn't figure how to report a JIRA issue on the "FUSE ESB" project (the selection list only shows forge projects).