0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 5, 2010 8:40 AM by maqish

    Unresolved constraint in bundle


      I've created a camel application that i could run using mvn camel:run. this is very nice since i do not need to configure the application for osgi and it runst instantly.


      now that the application is running i need to pour it into a osgi package/bundle.


      What i did is used the example camel-osgi as a startingpoint and placed all classes and such in the project. Also added the pom parts that were needed. As well as the beans.xml.


      Compiling/installing using maven all worked out fine but running it was a different story. 


      i've received the following errors

      Error executing command: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.apache.camel.dws-osgi-example : package; (&(package=org.jvnet.hk2.config)(version>=0.3.0)(version>=0.3.0))


      i did find out that i had to add them to the export-packages sometimes with version sometimes without but after 15 manually added exports i was wondering wether or not i really needed these export packages and if there was no smarter way in doing so.


      i also needed to install grizzly stuff ??  why is that?


      anyone ?