3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 28, 2010 12:19 AM by davsclaus

    camel http in spring


      Hello, i'm trying to set the Content-Type before posting using camel http in spring.  In the camel docs it mentions setting the header Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE.  This header name is only valid in DSL or used as an exchange header within a processor.


      I would like to set the content type in my spring bean.  I tried this but obviously it doesn't work.





        • 1. Re: camel http in spring

          I'm afraid you had to use the "Content-Type" directly as current Spring DSL doesn't support to reference the constance from class directly.

          • 2. Re: camel http in spring

            Maybe we could introduce some syntax for that, so Camel can evaluate on startup the header name is spelt correctly?


            <setHeader headerName="Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE">


            Either Camel detects that you have typed a constant field name from the Exchange interface and will lookup the value of that constant and use it.


            However what about other constants? Maybe we need a special syntax to tell Camel that it's a constant?


            Or maybe we don't need it if Camel can resolve that into a constant on an interface/class and just use it?

            • 3. Re: camel http in spring

              I created a ticket at Apache about this idea
