1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 23, 2010 7:09 AM by davsclaus

    Issue with file component (camel is not consuming files from the folder



      I am facing one problem with file component.

      My requirement is :File component to read the xml/txt/csv file from directory as periodically and store the database.

      For above task i wrote the like

      Endpoint is folder and camel consuming files from the folder periodically until ends the workflow..


      String insertQuery = "insert into tblblacklistednumbers(fldTransactionId,fldPhoneNumber,fldDescription) values (#,#,#)";


                      JaxbDataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat("com.upc.mds.processor");

                      System.out.println("path in jaxb"+jaxb.getContextPath());

                      System.out.println("object in jaxb"+jaxb.toString());






               .method("fileHelper", "isCsv")







               //.to("writeSql:call blacklistednumbersprod(#,#,#)")







               .method("fileHelper", "isXml")        









      The above code working fine by using the Thread.sleep(n) in my main problem but my requirement in actual project  is:

      we are used the Reflection  in main problem to start the router and The connection is establish/lessening until workflow ends.

      Is it possible ?

      Please can you provide some ideas