I need a pointer getting started. Is this something I could do with the Services Framework:
We have a critical application calling a number of operations on the same web service, because of our application software the calls are unnecsessary slow.
This is an example of what we do:
1) Connect to web service
2) Invoke an AUTHENTICATE operation, receive a session in the soap header
3) Using the same session (in the soap-header): invoke a SEARCH operation, receive an xml with answers.
4) Using the same session (in the soap-header): invoke a SIGNOUT operation.
5) Disconnect
What do I do to get started? Should I run the Cxf on top of the ESB or in a Message Queue? I'm new to these kinds of technologies so forgive my possible stupid questions.
You can do it with cxf, you can run cxf standalone or deploy the cxf endpoint into ESB.
We have some Get Started document you may need take a look.