1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 3, 2011 8:44 PM by ffang

    Getting started




      I need a pointer getting started. Is this something I could do with the Services Framework:


      We have a critical application calling a number of operations on the same web service, because of our application software the calls are unnecsessary slow.


      This is an example of what we do:

      1) Connect to web service

      2) Invoke an AUTHENTICATE operation, receive a session in the soap header

      3) Using the same session (in the soap-header): invoke a SEARCH operation, receive an xml with answers.

      4) Using the same session (in the soap-header): invoke a SIGNOUT operation.

      5) Disconnect


      What do I do to get started? Should I run the Cxf on top of the ESB or in a Message Queue? I'm new to these kinds of technologies so forgive my possible stupid questions.