1. Re: cxf:cxfEndpoint not working
njiang Aug 3, 2011 8:27 PM (in response to chandraprabha)Hi,
You should be able to get the WSDL with this URL "http://localhost:8092/Service/MemberWs?wsdl"
2. Re: cxf:cxfEndpoint not working
chandraprabha Aug 3, 2011 8:29 PM (in response to njiang)I am not getting wsdl that is the problem
3. Re: cxf:cxfEndpoint not working
chandraprabha Aug 3, 2011 10:03 PM (in response to chandraprabha)Can any one please guide me how i can make this work.
4. Re: cxf:cxfEndpoint not working
njiang Aug 4, 2011 3:15 AM (in response to chandraprabha)cxf:cxfEndpoint only works for the camel route which has the CXF endpoint definition.
If you don't define a camel route for it , you can't access that endpoint.
If you just want to publish the services with CXF in Servicemix, you should use jaxws:endpoint instand of cxf:cxfEndpoint.
5. Re: cxf:cxfEndpoint not working
chandraprabha Aug 4, 2011 12:29 PM (in response to njiang)Thanks .
I want to implement routes also .
1.expose webervice
2. write camel route which will route to different end point based on diffrent operation.
Can please help me how i can achive this.
6. Re: cxf:cxfEndpoint not working
njiang Aug 4, 2011 8:51 PM (in response to chandraprabha)Please take some time to go through the cxf component wiki page here
7. Re: cxf:cxfEndpoint not working
chandraprabha Aug 4, 2011 8:58 PM (in response to njiang)Thanks for response
I am using the camel -cxf proxy example to do this.
Can please tell me how i can call external webservice and get response back.
I do not want to implemet the SEI as it is done in example.