2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 8, 2011 1:22 AM by chandraprabha

    servicemix 4.4 JNDI


      Hi All,


      I want to configure datasource using jndi.In the below link its mentioned that jndi.properties is in conf  directory but in servicemix 4.4 there is no conf directory .



        • 1. Re: servicemix 4.4 JNDI



          First of all you should ask this kind of question to FUSE ESB forum.

          The document you mentioned works for FUSE ESB 3.x, but in FUSE ESB 4.x all global configuration are in etc folder.


          Moreover, in FUSE ESB 4.x, you can expose datasource as an OSGi service and then use

          OSGi style jndi name to refer it, take a look at similar discussion[1] to get more details





          • 2. Re: servicemix 4.4 JNDI

            Thanks a lot for response.


            Could you please let me know if Servicemix 4.4 support JTA 2 phase commit.


            I have done the follwing thing but it does not work.


            1.created  2 datasource which have XADataSaource interface implemented




            5.In DAO getting entitymanager by @persistanceContext

            6.in bussness layer



            public voiud process()


            Dao1.fun1I();//point to database 1

            Da02.fun();//point to second database;




            I want in case if dao1.fun1() fails dao2.fun() should also


            But this is not happening

            Kindly help
