1. Re: CXF + ActiveMQ Queues + Failover?
ffang Oct 18, 2011 8:13 PM (in response to jamie3_james.archibald)Hi,
You can use jms transport for CXF, which by default will use activemq as underlying transport, we have several jms* demo shipped with CXF kit, you may need take a look.
For the Failover, you multiple services can monitor different queues, and configure jaxws client a failover feature, take a look at to get more concrete ideas(it's used for http transport but you can adapt it to be applicable for jms transport)
More over, if multiple serivces which listen on the same queue, as only one service can get message from the jms queue,so multiple services will use round robin way to determine which service should be invoked, thus could be used as load balancing