1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 1, 2011 5:56 PM by iassan_jacek.bilski

    Win2008R2 features:install jpa-hibernate 4.3.1-fuse-03-01 Failed to start.


      Recently moved from development on a Linux based enviroment to testing on Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1 X64.


      Had to upgrade versions of Fuse ESB to do this as the version we are using in Linux (4.3.0-fuse-03-00) is no longer on the FuseSource website and we never grabbed the Windows binary so I moved to 4.3.1-fuse-03-01.


      Running into an issue with Hibernate:


      This is what it looks like on 4.3.0 on Linux after "features install jpa-hibernate"


      karaf@root> list -l | grep hibernate






      As opposed to Windows on 4.3.1 after "features install jpa-hibernate"


      karaf@root> list -l | grep hibernate







      I cannot replicate the earlier messages of it complaining it was missing exports that annotations.common was exporting, not sure exactly what is going on.


      This is causing issues with our app as it needs the Hibernate classes and they are not loaded on the classpath as the bundle isn't resolved.

        • 1. Re: Win2008R2 features:install jpa-hibernate 4.3.1-fuse-03-01 Failed to start.



          I too have been struggling for a few days with how to start Hibernate. Situation was the same as yours, all four bundles were installed, but entity manager wasn't resolved. Today I changed karaf.framework setting from equinox to felix and it just started. I know it may not be an option for you, but at least it's a try. Version was 4.3.1-fuse-01-22 running on Linux.


          Before that I was trying to find what's wrong with Hibernate. I even found out that both entity manager and hibernate itself export package org.hibernate.engine, but in two different versions. But then I downloaded FuseESB version 4.4.1, tried that and it worked. So I checked differences between Hibernate JARs, but they were identical.


          Also, strange thing is that when I try to forcefully resolve entity manager's bundle I see nothing in logs, even if I set them to debug, Karaf seems to be ignoring me. I get no bundle resolved nor error message.


          Jacek Bilski