1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 23, 2011 5:22 AM by t0m.guenter

    Consumer does not consume certain messages




      in our productional environment, we use message queues in a request reply scenario. Now, we encountered the problem that about 0.5% of all responses do not reach the client but couldn't track down why.


      We use a sync JMS client based on the JmsTemplate and a pooled connection factory.  We also ensured that the client and the server host are in sync to prevent timing issues.


      The attached log file shows the trace of a message retrieved successfully by the client and one which has not been retrieved (no ack available and the client run into the time out).


      Does anyone have an idea what could be the issue in our case?


      Java 1.6

      Client: activemq-core-5.3.1-fuse-02-01.jar, spring-core-2.5.6.SEC01.jar

      Broker: fuse-message-broker-5.3.1-00-00


      Thanks in advance.


        • 1. Re: Consumer does not consume certain messages

          What I did not mention in the post above is that we use a network of two brokers in order to fulfill high availability requirements and that the client was retrieving messages based on a message-selector (JMS-CorrelationID).


          After several tests and tracings even on TCP level we were able to track the problem down to a broker-network-issue. If no network was configured, no message loss occured. By checking the documentation again, we found a section which pointed at a possible issue with networks of brokers and message selectors: http://activemq.apache.org/networks-of-brokers.html#NetworksofBrokers-Conduitsubscriptionsandconsumerselectors



          Disabling conduitSubscriptions in the bridge-configuration made our message losses disappear:




          Probably this helps someone else.


          Thanks anyway,



          Edited by: tom.guenter on Dec 23, 2011 11:21 AM