1. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
ffang Feb 6, 2012 10:10 PM (in response to jjakub)Hi,
Please tell us the exact FUSE ESB version you're using.
And tell us the which transport your camel-cxf component are using.
If camel-cxf component use http-osgi transport, then you can configure it in $FUSE_ESB/etc/jetty.xml.
If camel-cxf component use http transport, then you need configure it in cxf jetty server configuration, I explain the details here[1]
2. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
jjakub Feb 7, 2012 3:40 AM (in response to ffang)I use apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-01-13
karaf@root> list | grep http
Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-httpclient (
karaf@root> list | grep cxf
camel-cxf-transport (2.8.0.fuse-01-13)
karaf@root> list | grep osgi
spring-osgi-annotation (1.2.1)
--And tell us the which transport your camel-cxf component are using.
--If camel-cxf component use http-osgi transport, then ...
--If camel-cxf component use http transport then...
Please explain me how can I check it, where is it configured, and what would be written i each case?
3. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
ffang Feb 7, 2012 3:45 AM (in response to jjakub)If you use camel-cxf endpoint, you should specify address for this endpoint, right?
If it's "http://babla", then it's http transport,
if it's "/somecontext", then it's http-osgi transport
4. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
jjakub Feb 7, 2012 4:12 AM (in response to ffang)so probably it can be http transport, exposed webservice is for instance contractEndpoint
later in the path are from/to uri="direct:....." , from/to uri="nmr:..." (they are called by IntegrationInputProcessor)
Edited by: camel on Feb 7, 2012 9:10 AM
Edited by: camel on Feb 7, 2012 9:11 AM
5. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
ffang Feb 7, 2012 4:22 AM (in response to jjakub)Yeah, it's http transport, so you need configure http jetty in cxf configuration, but not change the etc/jetty.xml, take a look at to get more details.
6. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
jjakub Feb 7, 2012 4:25 AM (in response to ffang)editing $FUSE_ESB/etc/jetty.xml didn't work so it is probably http transport
I added 2 connectors to jetty.xml, when I debug my request it is serviced by default connector and in server of this default connecto there is only one connector in it's connectors list
from idea debug:
this=SelectChannelConnector@localhost:8092 STARTED
_connectors= array[with size 1 containing only connector servicing current request]
now I will read and try to use http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/CXF-retrying-an-operation-td5072484.html
7. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
jjakub Feb 7, 2012 7:37 AM (in response to ffang)when etc/jetty.xml is present something is going wrong, connectors created in httpj:engine-factory are not visible,
only connectors created in jetty.xml are visible
any idea what can be wrong?
8. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
jjakub Feb 7, 2012 8:03 AM (in response to jjakub)This 404 response comes from
if (!method.equals(HttpMethods.GET) || !request.getRequestURI().equals("/"))
This is strange, request come to connector with MaxIdleTime 400000, was correctly serviced by Route defined in java, but DefaultHandler got called.
9. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
jjakub Feb 7, 2012 8:31 AM (in response to jjakub)What??
When I removed DefaultHandler client got correct response !!
Is this a Jetty joke?
/** Default Handler.
This handle will deal with unhandled requests in the server.
For requests for favicon.ico, the Jetty icon is served.
For reqests to '/' a 404 with a list of known contexts is served.
For all other requests a normal 404 is served.
but my request was handled.
If this is not a Jetty joke it may mean that there is still something wrong, I will go on with testing.
10. Re: how to configure jetty connector maxIdleTimeout in camel-cxf component?
jjakub Feb 13, 2012 3:23 AM (in response to ffang)Thank You very much for Your help, it was very usefull. Short timeouts disappeared.