10 Replies Latest reply on Oct 1, 2012 10:16 AM by stlewis

    Trial License Key


      I'm attempting to use the Fuse Management Console but I'm stuck trying to activate my installation. 


      On the download page for FMC, it states that I will need to request a temporary subscription to trial FMC (which I have done.  I have not heard back yet with the subscription.)


      It also states "If you are a new user of FuseSource tools, you will need to follow the manual registration steps in the install document using this license key."


      When I use the license key (linked at http://fusesource.com/images/license.key) and try to upload it to my installation of FMC, I get the following error:


      Subscription key file is invalid.


      Is there a key I can use to start a trial of FMC?

        • 1. Re: Trial License Key

          Did you hear back about a trial key?  The file that you would have downloaded from our subscription center won't contain a valid key if you don't have a FuseSource subscription.

          • 2. Re: Trial License Key

            Okay, yeah I see what the problem is, that trial license key was for the beta period and has expired.  We're working to fix the page, going forward you'll need to request a trial license key using our contact page.  We'll hopefully get this process more automated as well as we definitely want to make it as easy as possible for folks to check out Fuse Management Console.  Thanks for pointing out the issues!

            • 3. Re: Trial License Key

              Thank you for your response.  I requested a trial license key last week (using the contact page) but have not heard back yet.  Should I request another?  That will be the only key I need, right?


              Thank you,


              • 4. Re: Trial License Key

                Am checking into what's happened about your request for an activation key, and yes this will be the only key required, the UI will take care of uploading and installing the key once you get it.

                • 5. Re: Trial License Key

                  Okay, I went ahead and generated an activation key and have e-mailed it to you, hope that does the trick!

                  • 6. Re: Trial License Key

                    Thank you, Stan, for your help.  The key you sent worked for me.


                    For others with a similar problem, Stan pointed out to me via email that the license.key should live in the home directory of the user running FMC under $USER_HOME/.fusesource/license.key.  I had a license.key file there but it did not contain the key information.  Once I fixed that file, I was able to install without issue.

                    • 7. Re: Trial License Key

                      Also note I've created FMC-368 to track improving the error reporting in this area.  Thanks!

                      • 8. Re: Trial License Key

                        I have requested a trial license key today, when should I expect to get the key. If this wa an automated process we would no have to wait to try the product out. Now my Fuse IDE is not working without that key for the advanced features.

                        • 9. Re: Trial License Key

                          Hi Stan, I applied for a trial license key for FMC, but have heard nothing back from FuseSource. I am trying to evaluate the FMC product, together with Fuse ESB and the other Fuse products. Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks.

                          • 10. Re: Trial License Key

                            I've forwarded on your request to the relevant folks within Red Hat, you should be hearing from someone on a trial key soon, it may have just been due to transitional issues.  Thanks for the heads up!