1 Reply Latest reply on May 30, 2012 12:34 AM by davsclaus

    looking for blueprint xml file for http to http routing




      I need to find the correct blueprint xml syntax for http to http routing. the http consumer to receive xml file in http post, and route to http provider to send the data in http get format.


      http consumer -

      > http provider

      (xml data in post)      (http get)


      anyone can help me with the sample blueprint xml to deploy. Do i need a http marshaller?

      I really confuse with servicemix.


      Thanks ya all.

        • 1. Re: looking for blueprint xml file for http to http routing

          If you use a Camel application, then its just a standard blueprint file, where you can do a route with a from -> to.


          If use use Fuse IDE then create a new Fuse project, and select the camel-blueprint archetype as the project template, and it generates a sample blueprint XML file.


          You can then adjust this file to include the route you want.