1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 5, 2012 11:40 AM by garytully

    ActiveMQ and REST API withTopics




      I've already post in "General Question", but I was advised to re-post here, so :


      I've a Camel project sending messages to ActiveMQ (5.5.1) topics, and I want to retrieve those messages using the REST API provides by ActiveMQ because I've clients who need to punctually retrieve messages (not a continuous connection).


      but when I send the REST query, I get no message.


      I'm sending this :

      wget "http://localhost:8161/demo/message/topicTest?type=topic&clientId=c1&durableSubscriptionName=cname1"

      The subscriber not even appear in ActiveMQ/Subscribers manager.


      So, my question, is it possible to get message from topics using REST api and durable subscription ?

      Or, is it the right way but something's missing/wrong ?


      Kind regards.

        • 1. Re: ActiveMQ and REST API withTopics

          durable subscriptions are not currently supported via the REST/AJAX/Servlet API.


          You could look at Virtual Topics as a means of providing a queue per subscriber on the broker, such that your intermittent clients become queue consumers rather than durable topic subscriptions. This has the benefit of allowing more than one consumer if you need that.