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1. Re: expressions within HTTP uri not being resolved
njiang Jun 13, 2012 11:14 PM (in response to ndouglas60)I just did some test on the trunk, you should define the route like this, to let the property value to be used.
<to uri="http://localhost/api/save?param1={{param1}}&param2={{param2}}" />
2. Re: expressions within HTTP uri not being resolved
ndouglas60 Jun 14, 2012 9:49 AM (in response to njiang)Willem,
Thanks for your response, but I didn't explain my situation fully. The parameters are values that I created within the route as headers, so they should read header.param1 and header.param2. This is why I was using ${} to resolve the expression.
Essentially I need to pass header values to the uri.
Nate D.
3. Re: expressions within HTTP uri not being resolved
njiang Jun 14, 2012 11:27 AM (in response to ndouglas60)Oh, you have to set the HTTP URI with the message header this time.
As the expression doesn't work per Endpoint, it only works per Exchange.
4. Re: expressions within HTTP uri not being resolved
davsclaus Jun 14, 2012 11:31 AM (in response to ndouglas60)Are you using Spring XML and its property placeholders? If so read this FAQ