6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 14, 2012 3:59 PM by futuredan

    Error using custom language in filter


      The underlying issue that I am attempting to resolve is to be able to dynamically provide an xpath in a predicate as shown below:





      However, I get the following error:



      Exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No script engine could be created for: myxpath


      I've created a class that extends Language and created a file named myxpath in META-INF/service/org/apache/camel/language.


      What else do I need to do to implement a custom language?


      Edited by: futuredan on Jul 27, 2012 10:23 AM

        • 1. Re: Error using custom language in filter

          How did you deploy your camel route?

          BTW, did you have change to write a simple unit test to verify your language.


          You should find some example in the unit tests of camel-core.



          • 2. Re: Error using custom language in filter

            I am using a bundle whose only contents is a camel-context.xml in META-INF/spring to deploy the context.


            I tried creating a test case, but I'm using Fuse 4.3.1 which uses Camel 2.6 and that source isn't available anymore.

            I tried coming up with something based on the Camel 2.8 source, but I'm not sure I pulled it off.


            My classes are quite small.  Here they are in their entirety.

            I assume I am missing something necessary to create a language.

            Do you know what it could be?


            public class MyXpathLanguage extends XPathLanguage



                 public MyXpathLanguage()




                 public Predicate createPredicate( String expression )


                      MyXpathBuilder builder = MyXpathBuilder.xpath( expression );

                      super.configureBuilder( builder );

                      return builder;





            public class MyXpathBuilder extends XPathBuilder


                 private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog( MyXpathBuilder.class );


                 public MyXpathBuilder( String text )


                      super( text );

                      // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub



                 public static MyXpathBuilder xpath( String text )


                      LOG.info( "Building XPath with :" + text + ":" );

                      return new MyXpathBuilder( text );



                 public boolean matches( Exchange exchange )


                      LOG.info( "Matching :" + exchange.getIn().getBody().toString() + ":" );

                      return( super.matches( exchange ) );



            • 3. Re: Error using custom language in filter

              It is more complicate if you want to add Spring support of the MyXpathLanguage yourself.

              You need to update the camel-core to add the MyXpathLanguage into the module of language.



              • 4. Re: Error using custom language in filter

                Yeah would be nice with a dynamic xpath/xquery for predicates out of the box. I logged a JIRA ticket some time back.


                So possible in the future its out of the box. But the caveat is that the dynamism may requires a change in the DSL, and thus not so easy to introduce as fast.

                • 5. Re: Error using custom language in filter

                  So in the directive:



                  I can't use a value for the language attribute that isn't built into camel-core?


                  I had assumed languages were dynamic like components with META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/component


                  Thank you for the information.

                  • 6. Re: Error using custom language in filter

                    I see the ticket at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-3697


                    Thanks for the information.  I'll keep an eye on that ticket.