1. Re: Aspect in Camel: Expecting raw type, not: org.apache.camel.core.xml.Abstrac
davsclaus Nov 2, 2012 11:14 AM (in response to lekkie_lomotayo)You AOP seems to wrap around any methods. I suggest to limit this to your own custom code or where it makes sense.
And what runtime do you use? OSGi or not OSGi etc?
2. Re: Aspect in Camel: Expecting raw type, not: org.apache.camel.core.xml.Abstrac
lekkie_lomotayo Nov 2, 2012 11:32 AM (in response to davsclaus)It actually did wrap around my custom code, what I pasted had been edited. It looks more like:
@Pointcut(value="execution(public * com.company.dept...(..))")
public void anyPublicMethod() {
Runtime is OSGi. Fuse ServiceMix 4.4.0
Edited by: lekkie on Nov 2, 2012 3:32 PM
3. Re: Aspect in Camel: Expecting raw type, not: org.apache.camel.core.xml.Abstrac
alstsever_alain.saint-sever Feb 20, 2013 5:14 AM (in response to lekkie_lomotayo)Hi,
I am using spring AOP in Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0 and I got the same exception (java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expecting raw type, not: org.apache.camel.core.xml.AbstractCamelContextFactoryBean).
I found how to solve my issue by excluding the Camel packages in my pointcut expression:
<aop:pointcut id="allServiceMethods" expression="execution(* com.mycompany...(..)) and !within(org.apache.camel..*)"/>
Hope this can help.
4. Re: Aspect in Camel: Expecting raw type, not: org.apache.camel.core.xml.Abstrac
davsclaus Feb 21, 2013 8:21 AM (in response to alstsever_alain.saint-sever)Thanks for sharing your solution.