3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 5, 2012 7:43 PM by ffang

    camel-mongodb feature


      Hi, I want to add the camel-mongodb feature to servicemix/fuse ESB but it isn't in the latest build - I'm guessing because these still ship with camel 2.8.x and this is a 2.10.x advancement?


      Is there anyway to manually add this as a feature to the current servicemix/esb builds?


      Many thanks in advance if anyone can help.

        • 1. Re: camel-mongodb feature



          I'd say upgrade camel version yourself isn't a easy task, a lot of dependencies need get updated.


          FYI, In terms of Camel 2.10, the upcoming FUSE ESB 7.1 will ship Camel 2.10.x.



          • 2. Re: camel-mongodb feature

            Many thanks for your reply.


            I've managed to get a cxf webservice (backed by a mongodb connection via MongoTemplate) working on servicemix 4.4.1 which will keep me going until they make their way into the standard feature set.


            If anyone is interested here is a spring fragment=>




            install mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-mongodb/2.10.1

            install mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-core/2.10.1

            install mvn:org.mongodb/mongo-java-driver/2.9.1

            install mvn:org.codehaus.jackson/jackson-mapper-asl/1.9.7

            install mvn:org.codehaus.jackson/jackson-core-asl/1.9.7

            install mvn:org.springframework.data/spring-data-mongodb/1.0.4.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework/spring-core/3.1.3.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework/spring-asm/3.1.3.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework/spring-context/3.1.3.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework/spring-beans/3.1.3.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework/spring-aop/3.1.3.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework/spring-expression/3.1.3.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework/spring-tx/3.1.3.RELEASE

            install mvn:org.springframework.data/spring-data-commons-core/1.2.1.RELEASE



            Many thanks, Tom

            • 3. Re: camel-mongodb feature



              Thanks so much for sharing your solution.

