2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 29, 2013 2:54 AM by davsclaus

    karaf commands across multiple fabric containers




      Does anybody know if there is a way of doing karaf commands across multiple or all fabric containers at once?


      e.g. I tend to do things like the following a lot:


      list -l | grep -i <my-company>


      It would be really useful to do this across multiple or all containers.


      Any ideas?



        • 1. Re: karaf commands across multiple fabric containers

          This can be done by combining a windows bat file to iterate through the instance folder names with the client.bat file taking in "container-connect ....." but it is a shame there is not a better way.

          • 2. Re: karaf commands across multiple fabric containers

            Yeah it would be a cool command.


            To execute a command against a profile / list of container ids / or pattern matching etc.


            Just wonder how the response should be, as its harder to see what reponse is from which container. So some options to prefix the output with a remote host name / container id name or what makes sense.


            FuseESB$ some command executed here
            [] xxxx
            [] yyyy


            As this can be done on general shell as well. Anyone knows of commands on the unix/linux world, that we can take a look at first, to see how they works?