11 Replies Latest reply on Dec 3, 2012 6:44 AM by komododave

    Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?


      I've just installed the 7.1.0-041 version of Fuse Fabric.


      It seems there's an fmc profile available now.


      I just tried installing it but it seems to have set off a connection bomb on the system - running lsof -i shows more and more connections being created. I presume this isn't yet complete.


      Where will it be announced once the FMC feature is fully operational and behaving correctly? I couldn't find an issue on your issue tracker for it. So besides asking you repeatedly in these forums I have no way of knowing once the feature's ready.


      Any info would be much appreciated. Many thanks.

        • 1. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

          Not seeing that behavior here, at least on a build of the trunk, though more details would be helpful...  Think there's a slightly newer build 042 in the ea repo you could try but fabric:join is broken, though yeah you should be able to just use container-profile-add to add FMC to your existing fabric.


          When the product is released is highly dependent on how testing goes, so unfortunately I can't give a specific date.  But we're entering the final phase of testing so it should be soon.

          • 2. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

            Yeah, just doing a bit more testing here, added "fmc" to a running container (using the fuse-fabric distro, not the fmc-distro build), runnin "lsof -i | wc -l" doesn't show any open connection growth, even with a browser open to the running FMC instance.


            Oh, one thing to note, if you do add the fmc profile to a container the webapp will be on whatever port the OSGi HTTP service is configured to listen on.  So in most cases if it's not the FMC distro it'll be on port 8181 and not 8107.

            • 3. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

              As always, thank you for the thorough info Stan.


              I'm just redeploying via Puppet, will await its completion then retry.


              Thank you for pointing out the port, I was looking for 8107 like before.


              It's good you've added etc/users.properties by the way; great that we can tie down access to the ESB command console now!


              Will post again after Puppet's redeployed and I've added the profile again. This is what I did earlier, but maybe I misinterpreted the connections I was seeing..

              • 4. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                One more quick question while I wait: must internal Nexus proxies still be added to etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg once the fmc profile has been added?


                I believe from our previous discussion this is bridged now, so only the fabric agent and fabric maven proxy must be modified?

                • 5. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                  Hmm it seems this isn't the case. Our Puppet redeploy modifies the agent and maven proxy repos and running container-list reports:



                  error - org.fusesource.fabric.agent.utils.MultiException: Error while downloading bundles


                  I guess I'll look for that .cfg after the fmc profile is added and modify it as before.

                  • 6. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                    Ok, I removed the Puppet manifest config that used to deploy FMC (hadn't disabled it earlier, that was a mistake).


                    Much better results now:


                    1. The error I mentioned has disappeared - now provision status is "success".


                    2. No connection explosion is reported by lsof -i.


                    I added the fmc feature but can't connect on port 8181 sadly. I can see it's in state LISTEN in lsof -i and that port 8107 isn't listed.


                    I'm about to modify the org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg as before.

                    • 7. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                      It should actually just be a matter of refreshing the pax url mvn bundle once the profile containing your changes to the maven repos has been applied to the container.


                      In FMC's case, you wind up having to add that config to both the file and the profile because the pax url mvn bundle only sees the config defined in etc/ as it's still using the regular config admin service and not our bridge.  Once the fabric has been created however if you refresh that bundle the mvn url handler should then be getting it's configuration from our zookeeper config admin bridge.


                      Now, if you instead just create a container that has the FMC profile from the start you shouldn't have to update anything as the pax url mvn bundle will be picking up it's config from the zookeeper config admin bridge from the start.

                      • 8. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                        It seems to be failing to provision the container for fmc because having checked all the default repos it can't find  org.ops4j.pax.web:pax-web-jsp:jar:1.1.9


                        Will see whether I can find this manually now.

                        • 9. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                          That should be in maven central, was fairly recently released to fix some issues we've been encountering...

                          • 10. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                            Thanks for the refresh info - we posted almost at the same time so I've only just seen that post. Very helpful, I'm glad you don't have to modify the config after all. I'll give refresh a whirl on Monday when back at work.


                            Enjoy your weekend, Stan!

                            • 11. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 release has fmc feature. Is this ready for use?

                              It's working perfectly now Stan, thank you for providing those nuggets of wisdom, particularly the 8181 vs 8107 comment!


                              Looking at the logs this morning it turned out I didn't have Maven Central in the list of repos I was specifying - not sure how that happened. Anyway I've replaced the list of proxies with a single hosted repo in our Nexus which has all necessary external sources added to it in Nexus config.


                              I've added to my fabric deployment Karaf script a osgi:refresh --force 1 to update the PAX URL mvn handler.


                              I can now access FMC on port 8181 as you indicated. Loving the new RedHat theme