1. Re: FUSE ESB vs Apache ServiceMix full version
ffang Dec 6, 2012 8:33 PM (in response to fuselhays)Hi,
The FUSE ESB 4.x is always the full kit.
For FUSE ESB 7.x, yeah, there's also a full kit for users to download.
2. Re: FUSE ESB vs Apache ServiceMix full version
davsclaus Dec 7, 2012 2:45 AM (in response to fuselhays)Hi
Yes we have two kind of products
1. Fuse ESB
2. Fuse ESB Enterprise / Fuse MQ Enterprise
The Fuse ESB is a distribution of Apache ServiceMix, which is very similar to Apache ServiceMix. But we offer more frequent releases, and much longer support, etc.
The Enterprise products is new products we started releasing this year.
You can read here about what it offers ass added-value over the "plain" ESB release
Also we offer offline releases, which has everything you need (eg if you install all features etc, then we have all the JARs needed for that). So you can run from an environment which do not have internet access.