1. Re: cxfbc:provider looses authenticated principals
davsclaus Dec 15, 2012 4:29 AM (in response to radomir.kadlec)Hi
Btw are you use you must use the cxfbc:provider JBI component? JBI is dead/legacy. So its only recommended if already in use. For new projects its not recommended to use JBI.
You can use Apache Camel / CXF instead of JBI.
2. Re: cxfbc:provider looses authenticated principals
radomir.kadlec Dec 17, 2012 2:35 AM (in response to davsclaus)Hi,
why shall JBI be legacy?
It is a standard and used in many ESBs.
I decided me for Apache Servicemix because it implements JBI container.
Why to use some proprietary framework instead of components with standard interface?
In my project I use JBI components and Camel together.
Is it bad so? Do you mean, I shall use only Camel endpoints instead?
Radomir Kadlec
3. Re: cxfbc:provider looses authenticated principals
davsclaus Dec 17, 2012 3:17 AM (in response to radomir.kadlec)Yes JBI is dead. There will not be a JBI 2.0 spec.
The lead on Apache ServiceMix wrote this blog post with his thoughts about JBI and its future
There is not many ESB thats support JBI. And nor will any more in the future do so.
4. Re: cxfbc:provider looses authenticated principals
radomir.kadlec Sep 25, 2013 6:08 AM (in response to davsclaus)Thank You,
I created my routing fully in Camel now.