1. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 - Adding process-manager feature => exception
stlewis Dec 18, 2012 1:19 PM (in response to komododave)Should be a matter of making your profile a child of either the "fabric" profile or the "karaf" profile, think the "karaf" profile should do it.
2. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 - Adding process-manager feature => exception
komododave Dec 18, 2012 1:39 PM (in response to stlewis)Hi Stan - thanks for your response, I'm a little confused though.
So are you saying any custom profile needs to extend karaf now instead of default in order to resolve mvn URIs? Is this explained anywhere, or is it the new modus operandi?
Or is your response specifically relating to process-manager - i.e. in order to add that feature in particular it must be applied to a profile whose parent is karaf?
3. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 - Adding process-manager feature => exception
stlewis Dec 18, 2012 1:41 PM (in response to komododave)No, if I recall correctly "karaf" has the features repositories defined that contain that missing feature, while default doesn't. You'll find that "karaf" ultimately inherits from "default" anyway, at least out of the box it does.
4. Re: Fuse Fabric 7.1.0-041 - Adding process-manager feature => exception
komododave Dec 19, 2012 4:05 AM (in response to stlewis)Thanks for the info, Stan.
I saw process-manager in the features list in FMC though. I believe this is because the repository containing it is in our hosted Nexus proxy, so actually my problem lies elsewhere. I'd like to know whether what I'm saying makes sense - I'll try to resolve the problem on my own, but just want to have a clear understanding if you could acknowledge the above?