2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 3, 2013 6:54 AM by komododave

    What distinguishes the new fuse-esb-* profiles?


      I notice that RC 047 has three Fuse ESB profiles:


      • fuse-esb-full

      • fuse-esb-medium

      • fuse-esb-minimal


      Could someone please outline the difference between these in a brief overview?

        • 1. Re: What distinguishes the new fuse-esb-* profiles?

          These profiles are there to match the three different Fuse ESB distros.  By default in 7.1 when you create a fabric in the Fuse ESB distro the corresponding profile will be automatically assigned to the container.  That way features that were there before fabric was started are still there, as previous to this change if you installed the Fuse ESB medium distro you'd see there was a bunch of camel and CXF features installed, but that would all get uninstalled by the fabric provisioning agent when you ran fabric:create.

          • 2. Re: What distinguishes the new fuse-esb-* profiles?

            Thank you for the explanation, Stan.