1. Re: feature with obr resolver attr and without it
ffang Dec 26, 2012 8:26 PM (in response to n11112)Hi,
With OBR resolver it can prevent to install redundant bundles, so as you mentioned your bundle can't get installed with OBR resolver, most likely there's already a bundle installed in the OSGi container which can provide same package which meet all the package resolve requirement already.
And about the start-level, low start-level bundle get started first, but per the asyn nature of OSGi, it can't guarantee a bundle with low start-level can get fully up before a high start-level bundle. Honestly, your business logic which depend on the bundle start sequence isn't a good practice in OSGi container.
If you really wanna a bundle start before another one, the only reliable way I know is bundleA expose an OSGi service and bundleB hold this OSGi service reference, so that can guarantee bundleA is fully up before bundleB.