1. Re: propagate credentials. Concurrency problems.
ffang Jan 4, 2013 12:41 AM (in response to arcaballero)Hi,
This is a good question.
The client proxy isn't thread safe in your case, take a look at to get more details when the proxy isn't thread safe.
And yeah, client proxy pool is the way to go.
2. Re: propagate credentials. Concurrency problems.
arcaballero Jan 4, 2013 4:01 AM (in response to ffang)Hi,
I looked the link and I think if I set the follow property:
((BindingProvider)proxy).getRequestContext().put("thread.local.request.context", "true");
I have not any problems.
I also saw the servicemix-cxf-se-2011.02.1-fuse-08-15.jar and I could find that the property "thread.local.request.context" is set in the method createProxy.
Therefore, Do I have any troubles?
3. Re: propagate credentials. Concurrency problems.
ffang Jan 4, 2013 8:25 PM (in response to arcaballero)Hi,
Ah, right, cxfse:proxy is already thread safe, I made this change two years ago myself[1] but I didn't realize it when I answer you yesterday, sorry for it.
Anyway, cxfse:proxy is already thread safe and you needn't do anything else.