1. Re: What does the new FMC 'Patching' tab allow us to do?
stlewis Jan 3, 2013 10:02 AM (in response to komododave)The patching tab allows you to apply incremental updates to a fabric. For example if you hit an issue and we determine it can be patched we can supply a .zip file containing the patched artifacts. You then upload the patch to the FMC server via that tab and apply the patch to a version. The patching process will create a new version derived from the version you've selected. You can then migrate containers from the old version to the newly patched version and those containers will pick up the updates.
However please note that patch files are produced by us, there have been no plans as of yet for customers producing their own patches to be used by this page.
The 7.1 documentation should be available via the Red Hat customer portal, I think the plan is for product documentation to live there going forward.
2. Re: What does the new FMC 'Patching' tab allow us to do?
komododave Jan 3, 2013 10:17 AM (in response to stlewis)Many thanks for this information, Stan.