2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 4, 2013 9:50 AM by bvahdat

    Download of FMC...




      Download of FMC goes through the following page:




      Which requires a new (RedHat) or a pre-existing (FuseSource) subscription. Now my question is that if FMC is ASL protected why do I need to subscribe at all?


      And would it be any difference if I would go and download the zip/tar from the FuseSource Repo:




      However that's not really the release 7.1.0 but a snapshot version (I think...)


      Is it on purpose that the official 7.1.0 release is not freely available for download @ public repository? As the fmc-distro binary module is missing there:




      And the other problem is that building doesn't work as well:




      Which I would love to do so that I can import the Maven modules into my IDE, walk through the code to better understand it, run the tests, etc., etc., etc.




      Edited by: bvahdat on Jan 4, 2013 1:58 PM

        • 1. Re: Download of FMC...

          So first off, yes that's a snapshot version.  I don't think I'd recommend using it.


          AFAIK the main reason we've had to move product binaries from the repo to the Red Hat customer portal is to honor US export restrictions.  There could very well be other reasons I'm not aware of.


          Now, as for the build, if all you're interested in is investigating fabric/FMC you can just let the build fail in the fuse-esb-full assembly, then cd into fabric/fmc-distro or fabric/fuse-fabric and run either of those distros, that's basically how I develop FMC here

          • 2. Re: Download of FMC...

            Ah thanks Stan for your quick answer... And happy not to be the only one not having a complete build @ his terminal

