4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 17, 2013 12:32 PM by garytully

    Fuse ActiveMQ Topic not deleting messages


      I am using default configuration for ActiveMQ broker on ESB and have

      camel rute that sends messages to Topic.


      I was expecting that Topic will be deleting messages if there are not active Subscribers

      - I am using durable subscribers.

      I have specified :




      If a consumer is stopped it will disappear from ActiveMQ web console but messages coming

      will not be deleted.

      As well if consumer is reading from the Topic messages will stay there.






      One thing to mention is that what I am looking at is Messages Enqueued and Messages Dequeued.


      If consumer is not durable subscriber, Messages Dequeued will be incremented and Messages Enqueued will never be decremented.

      I was expecting to get Messages Dequeued incremented as well with durable consumers.

        • 1. Re: Fuse ActiveMQ Topic not deleting messages

          It's my mistake:

          It looks like everything is working fine but it is strange what kind of information are on

          ActiveMQ web application.


          Message DeqQeueed will be only incremented if the subscriber is Non-Durable.

          If the subscriber is Durable it will not be incrementing DeqQeueed information.


          If there are two subscribers on same topic:




          When non-Durable reads message it will increment DeqQeueed information but!!!

          messsage is still in the Topic waiting for Durable to read it.


          What kind of mechanism do I have to see how many messages is in the Topic,

          there is no such thing as NumberOfPending messages?

          As well how to distinguish on which durable consumer is it waiting on?

          • 2. Re: Fuse ActiveMQ Topic not deleting messages

            The subscription view (subscribers.jsp), gives you individual pending counts on activem and inactive durable subscriptions.


            Have a peek at your broker with jconsole to see the full complement of JMX mbeans and attributes.

            Most (but not all) are also visible via the web console

            • 3. Re: Fuse ActiveMQ Topic not deleting messages


              I haven't notice column Pending Queue Size  on every subscriber


              What about Dead Letter queue?

              • 4. Re: Fuse ActiveMQ Topic not deleting messages

                DeadLetter is not special in any way... it is just a normal queue with a well defined name. So destinationView and subscriptionViews work as normal.