0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 6, 2013 11:34 PM by jrawlings1980

    Out of VM inter bundle communication options




      I am trying to understand more about the various out of VM, inter bundle communication options available when using Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0 and Fabric.


      So far I can see that there are the following...


      Message broker - a valid option however I feel overkill if I have two bundles in different JVMs on the same server but my message broker lives on another server.

      Remote services - fabric-dosgi component, seems like a good option although I haven't load tested it yet, there are risks with this as detailed on the Enterprise OSGi Remote services spec

      Fabric camel - the example uses a Jetty endpoint, I haven't tested yet but I would think that there is a fair amount of overhead using HTTP?

      NMR? - I'm having issues getting this to work with Fabric but that's a separate post, however is this even a valid option?  Documentation suggests that this will only work out of VM by using a JBI container which I thought was deprecated, or at least has some very negative feedback.


      What is the recommended performing and scaleable approach to  using Fuse ESB Enterprise please?


      Many thanks, James.