1. Re: Governance Registry and FuseESB
davsclaus Mar 13, 2013 5:34 AM (in response to rcarotenuto)Hi
Fuse ESB / JBoss Fuse does not come with a UDDI registry out of the box.
The JBoss SOA-P product is a SOA stack and has SOA governance and whatnot.
And JBoss recently announced a new SOA governance product S-RAMP
In Fuse ESB we use Fuse Fabric as our registry, as it has a distributed registry. For example you ask about how to lookup in a registry to find a physical location. This is built-in out of the box in Fuse Fabric.
For example we have a Camel fabric component that does exactly that. This allows you to send a message to a "fabric:foo" endpoint and then at runtime that gets mapped into a physical endpoint.
eg for example you can expose a service from a server with the name "foo" and then have clients be able to send messages to "foo" by just sending a message to "fabric:foo" then Fabric handles to lookup to see the physical endpoints and round robin select a live endpoint and use that. This allows you to have containers come and go without affecting the clients.
There is a example of this use-case here
I am very sorry for the late reply.